Orieneering at Hilmteich

Wed, 2024-05-15 16:30 - 20:00

You love to go outside? And like to move it, move it? 

Exploring and discovering sounds like a perfect day? We have the right event for you! Join us for a nice Orienteering session at Hilmteich, in the middle of the beautiful Leechwald! 

But, what exactly does Orienteering mean? 

It is a running sport that involves a map and a compass to navigate from one spot to the next one within an unfamiliar environment (forest, field, city,...) 

The Orienteering Club Graz will teach us how to read the map and what to look for while running. There will be different trails to run: easier ones, if oyu just want to try it or though ones, if you want to become the next Dora the Explorer!




WHEN: 15th of May 2024, starting at 04:30 (p.m.), please be on time!!

WHERE: Hilmteich (right next to the tram stop) 

PRICE: for free!!!

WHAT to bring: 

  • comfortable shoes (running shoes would be great) 
  • Sporty clothes 
  • Bottle of water 

SIGN-UP: Online on our website but be aware that seats are limited, click here: https://esn.htugraz.at/signupesnevent/1FAB060A7DFA8B172DAC4E2B282FA4A3


Please note: If you take part in one of our events, you do so at your own risk and your own responsibility. We do not take any responsibility. So make sure to have appropriate insurance.