Ice Skating

Mon, 2024-01-22 16:45

Show us your best falling and slipping skills at the outdoor ice-skating rink at the Grazer Winterwelt. So prepare yourself to put your skates on and dance on the ice like nobody´s watching. And hey, if you haven´t tried ice skating yet, it is time to do so! 

You don´t have skates? No need to worry! You can rent them at the ice-skating rink. Just dont forget to bring a legal ID with a photo of you on it as a deposit.



WHEN: Monday, January 22nd 2024, from 16:45 (4.45 p.m.) to 19:00 (7.00 p.m.) 


  • 3 Euros with ESNcard 
  • 4 Euros without ESNcard


  • 4 Euros with ESNcard 
  • 5 Euros without ESNcard 

SIGN-UP: During our office hours until the 19th of January. 


Please note: If you take part in one of our events, you do so at your own risk and your own responsibility. We do not take any responsibility. So make sure that you have appropriate insurance.