Visa-Trip to Ljubljana

Thu, 2025-02-27 06:00 - Fri, 2025-02-28 14:00

Attention: You will need your passport for this trip!
When: Thursday, 27th of February till Friday 28th of February 2025
Meeting point: 6 a.m. at Franz-Graf-Allee (next to the Opera)
Costs: 55€ with ESNcard / 70€ without ESNcard
Sign up: Online from 17.02-24.02. Pay during office hours on TUE (18.02.), WED (19.02.) and FRI (21.02.). Bring the money in CASH and a copy of your passport for the hostel to the office hour!
Check out our website (look for VISA-Trip or go to the linktree on our instagram where we have a link for more information)
Disclaimer: Due to hostel options being limited, participants of the trip share a king-size bed for the one night stay in Ljubljana. Confirmed participants will get a chance to register their preferred rooming arrangements after confirming their spot. In case of any questions and concerns feel free to contact us and we can try to come up with a solution.