Weltkino 20.9.2007: Hotel Rwanda


The first Weltkino movie evening takes place on Thursday 20th of September at 7 pm at Welthaus Graz. The movie "Hotel Rwanda" will be shown. Location is Welthaus Diözese Graz-Seckau, Grabenstraße 39, second floor

Weltkino is a movie-night organized for international and Austrian students. The main goal of the night is, to have fun, get to know each other and discuss. We watch the movies in a multimedia library, surrounded by 5000 media on development work, development countries and living conditions worldwide. The films are shown in original language with English subtitles. Entrance is for free, but you have to sign in for the free Weltkino-movie-Club right on the movie-night.

If you have questions write to birgit.baustaedter@welthaus.at