Participate in our big ESN photo calendar competition

What is it about?

As every year, next year over 500 exchange students will receive the official photo calendar as a welcome present of the Karl-Franzens University Graz (KFU). For the first time this year we are looking for YOUR photos for the calendar. The winning photos will literally travel around the whole world!
The competition will be carried out by ESN Graz in cooperation with the Office of International Relations of the KFU.

Who can participate?

ALL  international exchange students studying at the KFU, TU, MedUni, University of Arts, FH Joanneum, Campus02 and the Pedagogical Schools.
Students who were here in the winter semester 2010/2011 as well as those who are still here (summer semester 2011) are allowed to participate.

Who can win?

For the calendar we are looking for 11 great photos (10 calendar pages + 1 title page). All 11 printed photos will be rewarded by the same great package of prizes comprising an ESN- or Graz- T-shirt, an exclusive book with water colors showing Graz by the famous artist Hans Beletz and a stylish Steiermark-rucksack!
The best 3 photos will receive a beautifully illustrated photo book about Austria as an additional prize!

All those prizes are worth more than 530€  and will be great souvenirs of your time in Graz and in Styria! Of course, every winner will receive a copy of the new photo calendar.

The winners will be chosen by a panel of judges consisting of members of ESN Graz and the Office of International Relations of the KFU.

Furthermore, the winning photos will be published on the ESN Graz websites and additionally on Facebook.

Which photos are we looking for?

We are looking for meaningful, creative and beautiful photos, which were taken during your exchange stay in Graz.
The motives should show the beauty of the city of Graz (e.g sights, city life etc.) or of Styria (e.g of our ESN trips). Photos of the Uni would be great too!

Important: We are looking for photos which show Graz and Styria during all seasons of the year. This means that we would like to have autumn, winter, spring and summer photos.
To all students, who are here in the spring semester: We also need photos in which the trees are green! So you could perhaps wait a little longer ... :)
Please, do not only submit party photos (new students do not know you anyway, besides it has legal reasons too)! If you want to send party photos then only photos with lots of people in them.

Each person can send up to 4 photos.
Of course it is also possible to only send 2 photos, if you think that’s enough. In this case you could also send two more photos later, if you want to.
It is also possible to change your selection of photos. So to say : If you, e g., have already sent us your 4 photos and realize that you prefered different photos to be your choice in the end, this would be no problem. In this case the last 4 photos we receive from you count for the competition!

What should the photos be like?

  • only photos in landscape format
  • no panorama formats
  • JPG-files
  • Because the photos will be printed in A4, they should have a high resolution (recommended: 300 dpi or 3508 x 2480 pixels)

When is the deadline?

The deadline for submitting photos is April 30th 2011. The decision will be made in mid-May.

You can upload your photos here!