ACHTUNG! Skievent Treffzeit geändert!!!! Neue Zeit 10:40!
Please be punctual Friday 20th march at 10:40am. at the Franz-Graf Allee. (Bus will not wait!)
Don´t forget to bring the 10€ deposit for the card, and 30€ if you need to rent the ski or snowboard. Also don´t forget your lunch for the bus, and the party outfit.
Read all infos about the event HERE.
Diagonale Film Festival 17. - 22. März
Festival des Österreichischen Films
Die Diagonale, das Festival des österreichischen Films, versteht sich als die zentrale Präsentations- und Diskussionsplattform des österreichischen Filmschaffens.
Diagonale Film Festival, 17th - 22nd of March
Festival of Austrian Film
The Diagonale, the Festival of Austrian Film, is the central presentation
and discussion platform for Austrian filmmaking. It will take place from
Tuesday March 17 to Sunday March 22.Regulars' table TODAY
Usually every 14 days on Tuesday there is the Erasmus Stammtisch (regulars' table) at Propeller.
Starting time is always 20:00 (unless otherwise announced for special evening).
Location is Propeller ( Zinzendorfgasse 17).FUNKY welcome PARTY
Let's celebrate the most international and funky party all over Graz.
Motto "FUNKY THURSDAY"Thursday 5th of March, POSTGARAGETick-Vaccination
Spring is coming soon, and insects will be around again. Also ticks!
Specially for those of you, who are going to spend their leisure in the nature we recommend to get vaccinated against FSME (engl. tick-borne encephalitis, which can be transmitted by ticks)
Regulars' table TODAY
This week we will have a special "Fasching" Stammtisch in Propeller with extra carnival crullers (Faschingskrapfen) for the first who come.
Anmeldung für Venedig!
Anmeldung für den Party-Zug zum Karneval in Venedig nur diesen Freitag möglich.
Mehr Info gibt es hier: