Ljubljana Trip

Mon, 2015-03-16 05:15 - 23:55


Randomly we got to know that there are a few students who didn´t have the chance to get their visa before coming to Europe and who have the chance to get it in Ljubljana. Taking advantage of this opportunity we´d like to offer you a daytrip to Slovenia’s largest city and spend a nice day there with you.


Quelle Bild


The city, which name´s translated to German also means „beloved city“and which is also called “Laibach” in the German speaking area, is the capital of our neighbour country Slovenia. It is, like Graz, a University city and cultural, economical and political centre of Slovenia.


Quelle Bild


The ones who need the visa can make use of the morning to hand in their documents, while the others have the chance to walk through the city and get an impression of it before we´re going back to Graz after picking up the visas.


PLEASE TAKE YOUR PASSPORT WITH YOU!!! This to make sure that we don´t have any problems on the way.



  • When: Mon., 16th March 2015
  • Where: Meet up at 5.15 am at Franz Graf Allee (next to the Opera house Graz)
  • Costs: 9€ with ESN card /// 15€ without ESN card
  • Sign up: During our office hours
  • DEADLINE: Friday, 13th March 2015


PLEASE NOTE: When you take part in one of our trips, you do so at your own risk! We do not take any responsibility! Make sure that you have an appropriate insurance!