Visa Trip & Sightseeing Ljubljana and Trieste

Thu, 2023-09-28 06:00 - Fri, 2023-09-29 06:00

From the US or CANADA and do you still need a VISA for Austria

Then come with us to the Austrian Embassy in Ljubljana. We´re not only going to see the capital of SLOVENIA to get your VISA but we will also cross another border and spend a night in Trieste, one of the most beautiful cities in ITALY. If you need a VISA, send us an email ASAP ( so we know we can reserve you a spot!

VISA applicants are prioritized in this trip!

You already have a VISA or just want to join the first trip of the semester for fun

No problem, you can still join us and explore the two cities! We will visit the biggest city of SLOVENIA on the 28th of September (Thursday). While theh one´s who need a VISA go to the embassy (we have made an appointment for you), there will be a bit of time to get a breakfast or explore the city. After this short stop we will coninue to Trieste, where we spent the rest of the day and have pizza for dinner. On the 29th of September (Friday), we will return to Ljubliana to get the VISA and maybe spend some more time there. 


What is included

  • Bustransport from Graz to Ljubliana, Trieste and back to Graz
  • One Night at a Hostel in Trieste and Breakfast there

What do I need to bring

  • All the documents for the VISA (your will get documents to fill in when you send us the email, that you will join the trip. Make sure to bring the original AND the copy of all documents, this is required by the consulate. Also, the picture must be in COLOR
  • Passport and if applicable, Residence Permit
  • Clothes for two days, also be prepared in case it rains. 
  • To be safe, a towel (even though the hostel is said to provide some) 
  • GOOD MOOD!!!

To make sure we don´t have any problems when crossing the borders, PLEASE TAKE YOUR PASSPORT WITH YOU!


WHEN: 28th of September (Thursday) at 6 am. till 29th (Friday) 

WHERE: 6 am at Franz Graf Allee (next to the Opera House Graz) 

COSTS: 50 Euros with ESNcard                                                                                                                                                                                                 
60 Euros without ESNcard
(Cash Payment only!)

SIGN-UP: During the OFFICE HOURS on Tue (19.09.), Wed (20.09.) and Fri (22.09.) - PLEASE bring your PASSPORT to the event sign-up in the office! 


Please Note: If you take part at one of our events, you do that at your own risk and your own responsibility! We do not take any responsibility! Make sure, that you have an appropriate insurance!