
Wed, 2023-11-22 17:30


Now, that you have settled in Graz, how about we embark on a crazy night and go for a Pubcrawl!

Explore the virbrant pub scene of Graz with us, meet other international students and discover your favourite spot to hang out, relax and maybe have one or more drinks after a though uni day!


WHEN: Wednesday, 22nd of November 2023

MEETING POINT: 17:30 (5.30 p.m) at the tram station Südtirolerplatz in front of the Kunsthaus Graz 


  • 15 Euros with ESNcard
  • 20 Euros without ESNcard 

WHAT is included: 4 drinks and 2 shots in total 

SIGN-UP: During our office hours, starting on the 14th of November until the 21st of November 2023


Please note: If you take part in one of our events, you do so at your own risk and your own responsibility. We do not take any responsibility. So please make sure you have an appropriate insurance!