ESN Graz @ HTU Graz
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Signup for Ski Day! 2025-03-23
At the moment you can only sign up for a spot on the waiting-list
The earlier you sign-up for the waiting list the better your chance is to still get a spot.
Your family name.
Your first name.
Email address:
Your personal email address. Only enter an address which belongs to yourself. Never enter the address of another person!
I agree that ESN stores the entered data for the purpose of participation at events organized or promoted by ESN.
To be able to manage events we need to store the data you enter. Note that we store the data only on a local server in Graz and all data processing is done on the local server in Graz or on your own device.
I agree to receive Emails from ESN regarding my registration for this event and any future events I sign up for. I agree that the ESN organisers of this event have access to the personal data I enter.
Our organisers need access to the data you enter to be able to manage the event. Note that ESN will not share your data with a third party unless explicitly stated in the conditions for this event. In general for overnight trips some data will be shared with the accomodation (hostel/hotel) depending on the legal regulations of the country.
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Planned website maintenance 2023.08.01
Planned website maintenance 15th July 2023
Office Hours - Update
Website only available in English
Planned website maintenance 28.2
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