COVID-19 information page
As it's not difficult to hear from different media, friends or fellow humans, the so called COVID-19 (coronavirus, CoV) circulates.
The Austrian government asks you to reduce your physical social contacts to a minimum. Universities switch to distant learning, classroom teaching will switch to virtual teaching as far as possible.
>>> Here on this site you will get all the updates and further links!
Graz universities' & links generally for Austria 
Universities in Graz installed websites, which provide general information about the virus, how to take care, how we are affected at the university and taken measures, as well as further links. The information will be updated constantly.
NOTE: Suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 and category contacts I and II at TU Graz must be reported! It's very likely this also applies to all other Graz universities, please check this on your own responsibility and in respect of your fellow human beings!
Graz University of Technology:
Official announcements here and here (for English version scroll down) - this is also the wesite where to find the link for making a report as well as the current corona traffic light signal. For all members (international student, guest or staff) more detailed here* and here* - you will also find information sheets there. And there are available detailed answers to Frequently Asked Questions about lectures and courses (for English version scroll down) as well.
Furthermore international students, staff and guests will find a point of reference here. For all members of HTU Graz and thereby connected tasks the current corona traffic light signal and its measures could be found on the website of HTU Graz for internal matters (German only).
*) TU Graz login required
University of Graz:
Information will be published through the live-ticker here (German only). Furthermore there is a general information as well as a FAQ for students!
Generally for Austria:
Expert information and answers to frequently asked questions you will find at the website of AGES (German only).
Also the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection informs comprehensively
(updates in the German version are always a bit ahead and often the english version is taken offline in meantime)!
A brief guide to what you need to know about the virus in Austria could be found on the website of Austria's radio station FM4 (in English, authored on 30th of March, 2020). FM4 also offers 5 FAQs on the 2nd lockdown in Austria (German only, status 3rd of Nov., 2020).
As well the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF offers information in different languages (constituted on 19th of March, 2020).
ESN Graz/ESN Austria & COVID-19 
As part of the local students' union at TU Graz (HTU Graz, German only) as well as closely linked to the universities we feel obliged to support the university at best to avoid further infections. Also we want to make a contribution towards protecting our fellow humans and in the interest of our society.
To containing a dissemination of COVID-19 we will therefore limit and accordingly adapt the services too. We ask you to consider the following measures and thank you for your understanding!
Office Hours:
Unfortunately, physical office hours cannot be held with certainty, as this depends very much on the development of the current situation. If we cannot open our offices for you, we will try to set up online office hours. Depending on the situation we will do our best to make service on-site possible! Nonetheless you are free to contact us and we will try our best to give you help and advice!
NOTE: We would like to point out that, in the interests of everyone, all inquiries and concerns that can also be resolved online are made via our digital contact options.
With the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the summer term 2020, all physical events were cancelled in Austria. In the following period, too, relaxing or stricter measures by the government or universities and colleges of Graz can take effect at any time and thus influence our range of events.
We will try our best to organise adequate and some other attractive and entertaining activities (for further details please check out our event calendar and our newsletter!). Please get in touch with us, if you are expecting some participation fee refunds.
Regarding "corona parties" - here some information and our statement.
ESN Austria has also installed a central info page (including current hygienic measures). A research on the impact of COVID-19 on student mobility could also be found on their page.
Don't forget - everyone of us has the responsibility in acting! Let's look at one another :)
All the best,
ESN Graz team
COVID-19 measures in Austria 
Below you will find the taken measures in Austria (sorted in decreasing chronological order).
Important: Universities could have even stricter restrictions internally and keeping distance is still valid! And not everything, that is not forbidden, would be wise! It should also be noted that only those measures that apply to private individuals are listed here - we as ESN or as part of the students' union certainly have more to consider.
The measures are gradually being relaxed, but everyone is still urged to take maximum personal responsibility. Don't forget, we also want to look at each other.
As of 1st of July, 2023, the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria was officially declared over and all public health measures were lifted. Health care facilities and organisations may continue measures and protective concepts on their own initiative. Further updates of this page are not planned - however, the situation may change again at any time! Everyone is called to take each other's safety into account.
After the holidays/Christmas break, the following measures will apply:
- From 8th of January, 2022, quarantine rules will no longer differentiate between K1 and K2, there will only be "contacts" (not if vaccinated 3 times or if all with FFP2 mask) - free testing possible from day 5 with PCR test.
- From 11th of January, 2022, the FFP2 mask obligation also applies outdoors at a distance of less than 2 m (not for closest relatives).
- The validity of the Green Passport will be reduced to 6 months for the second vaccination as of 1st of February.
- There is still a curfew restriction for persons without valid 2G proof (lockdown for unvaccinated persons).
- For shops and services close to the body, gastronomy apply: 2G proof and FFP2 mask obligation (except at the seat), closing time at 10 p.m.
- for events maximum 25 persons
- If possible home office, otherwise at the workplace FFP2 mask obligation and 3G rule for contacts with other people
On Wednesday, 8th of December, 2021, the Austrian government announces that as of 12th of December, the lockdown for vaccinated people will end and the first opening steps will take place again, but these will vary in regional parts of Austria. These include the following measures:
- 2G rule applies everywhere, except at work - here the 3G rule applies
- wearing masks indoor is mandatory
No end to the lockdown is defined for unvaccinated persons.
Lockdown from 22nd of November, 2021 (lasts at least until 12th of December, 2021 - in some areas of Austria partly already until at least 17th of December, 2021).
A possible end of the lockdown will then only apply to Corona-vaccinated persons in any case. Vaccination will be compulsory in Austria from February 2022.
Regional measures were announced at short notice and are in effect as of TODAY! Therefore FFP2 masks are to be worn in all indoor rooms.
On Sunday, 14th of November, 2021, the Austrian government announces in Austria, a lockdown for all Corona-unvaccinated persons will apply from 15th of November, 2021 - thus, all-day curfew restrictions with the already known restrictions will apply to persons who have not recovered or been vaccinated. Cultural events are severely restricted and partly banned. In some cases, only PCR tests will allow entry. A 2G regulation (vaccinated/genese) applies for shops.
On Friday, 5th of November, 2021, due to the drastic deterioration of the Corona situation, the Austrian government announces that measures will be tightened as early as 8th of November, 2021:
- the previous 3G regulation will become 2G (vaccinated/genese) for: gastronomy, hotels, cultural events, sports, as well as for gatherings of 25 or more people
- corona antigen tests will be replaced by PCR tests (the offer will be extended)
- a "FFP2 mask" as a face protection is obligatory in shops
- the validity period of the so-called green passport or a vaccination certificate will be shortened from 12 to 9 months
- exit controls will be dropped, but controls of the announced measures will be extended
As of the end of October 2021, the number of people newly infected by COVID-19 is increasing dramatically across the country, and 2G and 1G restrictions are already in place in many places. In addition, exit controls are being carried out in some regions of Austria.
During the summer months, the number of people newly infected by COVID-19 fell and rose again - the regulations have not become easier as a result. Partly mask obligations fall, but partly they become stricter - at the same time individual federal states and event operators tighten their health safety measures!
It's advisable to inform yourself individually and to wear a FFP2 mask in case of doubt. In addition, regular tests are recommended despite vaccinations and partly also obligatory for admissions (partly even the more meaningful PCR corona tests)! The so-called '3G rule' (German abbreviation for tested, vaccinated, cured) applies no longer as a generally valid permit to enter.
Gradually, over the summer months, the restrictions are relaxed. In Austria the so-called 3G rule applies as a permit to enter, where visitors/customers have to prove that they are either Corona-tested, -vaccinated or -cured (in German getestet, geimpft, genesen).
On Friday, 23rd of April, 2021, the Austrian government announces that first openings will probably take place again as of 19th of May if the virological situation is favourable. These include the following measures (currently not detailed):
- restaurants with a maximum of 4 people at a table indoors, a maximum of 10 people at a table outdoors, closing time at 10 p.m.
- attendance of theatre, cinema and other events should be made possible
- practice of any kind of sport, with a minimum of 20m² per person indoors
- hotels with strict access restrictions
The basic requirement is a so-called "green passport", which provides information on whether one has been tested, vaccinated or has recovered, as well as the use of "FFP2 masks" as face masks. The access rules for the "Green Pass" in Austria are defined in detail as follows:
- persons are considered to be "recovered" for the first 6 months after illness
- "vaccinated" is defined as 22 days after the first vaccination
- all others need a negative test within the validity period of: PCR test - 72h, antigen (e.g. from test lane) - 48h, self-test (with digital capture) - 24h
A "green passport" is to be operational in the EU from June, which should make travelling abroad much easier from summer onwards - although many details are still open here. In addition, within Austria, each federal state can set further stricter measures.
On Wednesday, 24th of March, 2021, the Austrian government announces that stricter measures apply in the eastern provinces of Austria (Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland) from Easter!
On Monday, 22nd of March, 2021, the Austrian government announces that further measures will be around mid of April at the earliest.
On Monday, 15th of February, 2021, the Austrian government proclaims that one observes the situation and further measures will be only around Easter.
On Monday, 1st of February, 2021, the Austrian government announces some relaxing measures from 8th of February, 2021:
- shops open under strict security regulations (e.g. FFP2 masks), as do museums and services such as hairdressers (where you also need to show a negative COVID-19 test result)
On Sunday, 17th of January, 2021, the Austrian government announces further measures that will once again have a strong impact on our lives. The lockdown (including curfew!) was extended and will last until incl. 7th of February, 2021! Starting 8th of February, a gradual opening of services, museums, and schools is expected to take place in shifts. Hotels and inns are to remain closed in February. Another 3 rules have been communicated:
- to keep a distance of 2 metres to other people is mandatory
- so-called "FFP2 masks" should be used instead of normal face masks (mandatory as of 25th of January, 2021 in the areas of public transport and in shops)
- home office should be practiced urgently everywhere, where nothing else is required
From 18th of January, 2021 (so-called phase 2) the government plans regular testing.
Weekend before 18th of January, 2021 mass tests are taking place in Austria with the possibility of "free testing". However, for those who are not willing to be tested, the lockdown rules apply until 24th of January, 2021. Update: There will be no free testing, in any case, the lockdown will last until incl. 24th of January 24, 2021!
Changes from 26th of December, 2020 (so-called phase 1):
- a 3rd lockdown takes place (probably until 18th of Jan. 2021)
- the curfew applies around the clock, except for the following:
- Professional activity,
- errands to cover essential human needs of daily life,
- assistance and support of needy people,
- to go outside (e.g. to take a walk or for running) - but only alone, with people you are living with in the same household, or with pets
- all stores will be closed (with a few exceptions, which are necessary for daily needs, such as super markets, pharmacies, banks, post office, ...)
On Friday, 18th of December, 2020, the Austrian government announces further measures that will once again have a strong impact on our lives after Christmas. The aim is a 7-day incidence of under 100. Likewise, the reproduction factor is to be further reduced.
Changes for Christmas and New Year's Eve 2020 (Attention! Some of the following measures have been renewed and are partly more stringent now!):
- during the day up to 2 households may meet at the same time during the Christmas season
- on 24th, 25th & 31st of December there is no nightly curfew
- on 24th & 25th of December, members of several households may meet, but only up to 10 persons (including children)
- on 31st of December up to 6 adults + 6 children may meet, but from max. 2 households
- before and during the holidays, entry into Austria entails a 10-day quarantine obligation
On Friday, 11th of December, 2020, the Austrian government announces a change in the measures for the holidays. Furthermore, a mask obligation can now also be ordered outdoors.
Changes from 7th of December, 2020:
- shops open under strict security regulations, as do museums and services such as hairdressers
- curfew from 20:00 - 6:00 o'clock in the morning (probably until 6th of January, 2021)
On Wednesday, 2nd of December, 2020, the Austrian government announces new measures that will have impact on upcoming Christmas holidays. The number of people newly infected by COVID-19 every day in Austria is still too high until now.
Changes from 17th of November, 2020:
- the lockdown was tightened with further measures, daily life again will be limited to provision with basic supplies (declared goal of the Austrian government: on 7th of Dec., ideally, compulsory schools and trade should be able to open again)
- all stores will be closed (with a few exceptions, which are necessary for daily needs, such as super markets, pharmacies, banks, post office, ...)
- the curfew applies around the clock, except for the following:
- Professional activity,
- errands to cover essential human needs of daily life,
- assistance and support of needy people,
- to go outside (e.g. to take a walk or for running) - but only alone, with people you are living with in the same household, or with pets
- no school lessons, but parents can send their children to school respectively kindergarden for care and learning support if their situation requires it
- home office should be practiced everywhere, where nothing else is required
- no physical contact with other people except those in your own household (people living alone can choose 1 contact person and have contact only with this 1 person)
Changes from 11th of November, 2020:
- supermarkets close at 19:00 (probably as long as the curfew is imposed)
Changes from 7th of November, 2020:
- prohibition of face visors (instead, a tight-fitting face mask needs to be used)
Changes from 2nd of November, 2020:
- a 2nd lockdown takes place (probably until 30th of Nov. 2020, services such as hairdressers remain open)
- there are no more events possible (sports, culture, leisure)
- the gastronomy can/may only be used for delivery service or pick-up
- only 2 households may meet at the same time
- curfew from 20:00 - 6:00 o'clock in the morning (5 exceptions: Defence of own belongings, assistance, covering basic needs, professional purposes, sports & walks)
- you must NOT leave the household to visit someone
On Saturday, 31st of October, 2020, the Austrian government announces new drastic measures that will have a strong impact on our lives again. The aim is to return to a more familiar life as quickly as possible (winter season) and to significantly reduce the alarming number of people newly infected by COVID-19 every day.
Changes from 25th of October, 2020:
- After the pubs have been closed, alcohol consumption is no longer permitted within a 50m radius of a pub.
- It's mandatory to wear a face mask when entering a closed public room as well as in many areas outside.
to keep the distance of 1 metre to other people is mandatory (no more recommendation)
for events including 7 respectively 13 people or more, it's mandatory to wear a face mask
Each of us is once again encouraged to make a contribution and it's strongly recommended to wear a face mask, to keep distance and to reduce physical contact as much as possible! Additional rules and measures may be applied in some regions!
Changes from 23rd of October, 2020:
a maximum of 6 people is allowed indoor (worship services are excluded from this person limit)
a maximum of 12 people is allowed outdoor (exception: funerals)
for events where the person limits of 6 respectively 12 people are exceeded, there is an obligation to notify the health authorities!
for restaurants and bars the person limit counts per table
For professional events, there is a constant requirement of face masks, assigned seats, no drinks or meal distribution, a prior official permit as well as person limits of 1500 people outdoor and 1000 people indoor.
The control pressure has been increased, the police are required to monitor compliance with the regulations more closely.
A police check is possible for meeting rooms of associations, but not in private living rooms.
On Monday, 19th of October, 2020, the Austrian government announces new measures due to the so-called 2nd wave.
Changes from 19th of October, 2020:
- only 10 people are allowed in almost all indoor areas
- a maximum of 100 people is allowed in open air areas
- face masks are required in bars and restaurants up to the seat
- events with a closed society also need to stop at 01:00 a.m.
Changes from summer 2020:
- Introduction of the so-called traffic light system!
(Attention: "green light" does NOT mean "everything is good", it's just the lowest ranking! It still tells us to take care and consider all measures!)
With August 2020 the Austrian government is introducing a new system.
Changes from 24th of July, 2020 (Attention - more stringent measures!):
- masks are again needed in super markets, banks and post offices!
With 21th of July 2020 the Austrian government is reintroducing some restrictions.
Changes from 15th of June, 2020 (Attention! Some of the following measures have been withdrawn!):
- pubs are allowed to open until 1.00 a.m.
(instead until 11.00 p.m.)
- gastronomy: more than 4 persons around one table are allowed
(as long as you keep the safety distance of 1 metre)
- masks are not needed any more in super markets
(still valid in public transport, health sector like pharmacy, and services where a distance of 1 metre could not be maintained, e.g. hairdresser)
Update: In some regions of Austria you have to wear a mask!
With 29th of May 2020 the Austrian government is relaxing the restrictions once again, announces good news and declares.
Changes from 29th of May, 2020 (phase two):
- hotels, public swimming pools, leisure facilities are allowed to use
Important - still valid: masks and keep distance! And not everything, that is not forbidden, would be wise!
Changes from 15th of May, 2020 (phase two):
- restaurants and zoological gardens are allowed to visit
(gastronomy: max. of 4 adults and children around one table, which is not allowed to be choosen yourself - reservation recommended, a distance of one metre to other groups must be maintained, no face masks needed for guests)
Changes from 1st of May, 2020 (phase two):
- curfew expires
(it is allowed to leave the house at any time and for any purpose)
- meetings up to 10 people are allowed
(as long as you keep the safety distance of 1 metre)
With 28th of April 2020 the Austrian government is relaxing the restrictions, announces good news and declares within the so-called "phase two".
Beginning from Monday, 16th of March, 2020 Austria reduces business to a necessary level - daily life will be limited to provision with basic supplies. Obligation of face mask - mechanical safeguard must be worn, protective masks will be distributed e.g. by supermarkets. With other persons a distance of one metre must be maintained. There is a restraining order in every public space with the exception listed:
- professional activity
- errands to cover essential human needs of daily life
(gradually more and more shops will be opened again, but as always still keep distance)
- assistance and support of needy people
- to go outside (e.g. to take a walk or for running) - but only alone, with people you are living with in the same household, or with pets
The compliance with the measures initiated will be controlled by the executive.